Bbc news trump impeachment

Here are some articles and videos from BBC News related to the impeachment of Donald Trump:


  1. "Donald Trump impeachment: What's happening and why?" (December 18, 2019) - An overview of the impeachment process and the reasons behind it.
  2. "Trump impeachment: House votes to formalise charges" (December 19, 2019) - A report on the House of Representatives voting to formalize the charges against Trump.
  3. "Trump impeachment: Senate trial begins" (January 16, 2020) - An article on the start of the Senate trial, where Trump's lawyers and Democratic impeachment managers presented their cases.
  4. "Trump acquitted: What happens next?" (February 6, 2020) - A report on the outcome of the Senate trial, where Trump was acquitted and what happens next in the process.


  1. "Trump impeachment: What's at stake?" (December 18, 2019) - A video explaining the impeachment process and the potential consequences for Trump.
  2. "Trump impeachment: House votes to formalise charges" (December 19, 2019) - A video report on the House voting to formalize the charges against Trump.
  3. "Trump impeachment: Senate trial begins" (January 16, 2020) - A video report on the start of the Senate trial, where Trump's lawyers and Democratic impeachment managers presented their cases.
  4. "Trump acquitted: Reaction and analysis" (February 6, 2020) - A video report on the outcome of the Senate trial, where Trump was acquitted and the reaction from politicians and experts.

Live coverage:

BBC News also provided live coverage of the impeachment process, including the House and Senate debates and votes. You can find archived versions of these live streams on the BBC News website.