Bbc news trump and putin

Here are some recent articles from BBC News about Trump and Putin:

Latest Articles:

  1. Trump and Putin hold talks at G20 summit (June 29, 2019)

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have held talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan. The two leaders discussed a range of issues, including nuclear disarmament and the conflict in Ukraine.

  1. Trump and Putin agree to cooperate on cybersecurity (June 28, 2019)

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to cooperate on cybersecurity issues, according to a joint statement released after their meeting at the G20 summit. The statement said the two leaders had discussed ways to prevent cyber-attacks and improve cooperation on cybersecurity.

  1. Trump and Putin discuss nuclear disarmament (June 28, 2019)

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have discussed nuclear disarmament during their meeting at the G20 summit. The two leaders agreed to continue talks on the issue, with Mr Trump saying he wanted to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world.

Previous Articles:

  1. Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki, sparking controversy (July 16, 2018)

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki, Finland, sparking controversy over Mr Trump's comments on Russian interference in the 2016 US election. Mr Trump said he believed Mr Putin's denial of Russian interference, despite the conclusion of US intelligence agencies that Russia did interfere.

  1. Trump and Putin agree to cooperate on Syria (November 12, 2017)

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to cooperate on Syria, according to a joint statement released after their meeting at the APEC summit in Da Nang, Vietnam. The statement said the two leaders had discussed ways to reduce violence in Syria and promote a political solution to the conflict.

  1. Trump and Putin meet at G20 summit (July 7, 2017)

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. The two leaders discussed a range of issues, including trade, terrorism, and the conflict in Ukraine.