Bbc news sports presenters

Here are some of the current and former BBC News sports presenters:

Current Presenters:

  1. Dan Walker - Presenter of BBC Breakfast and Match of the Day
  2. Gary Lineker - Presenter of Match of the Day and former England international footballer
  3. Gabby Logan - Presenter of Final Score and former gymnast
  4. Jason Mohammad - Presenter of BBC Sport's flagship football program, Match of the Day
  5. Hazel Irvine - Presenter of Snooker and Darts coverage
  6. Jill Douglas - Presenter of Rugby Union and Cricket coverage
  7. Steve Bunce - Presenter of Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts coverage
  8. Mike Costello - Presenter of Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts coverage
  9. Rishi Persad - Presenter of Athletics and Paralympic coverage
  10. Tanya Arnold - Presenter of Skiing and Snowboarding coverage

Former Presenters:

  1. John Inverdale - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship football program, Match of the Day
  2. Sue Barker - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship tennis program, Wimbledon
  3. Des Lynam - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship football program, Match of the Day
  4. David Coleman - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship athletics program, Superstars
  5. Steve Rider - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship golf program, The Open
  6. John Motson - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship football program, Match of the Day
  7. Alan Hansen - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship football program, Match of the Day
  8. Sue Cook - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship equestrian program, Horse of the Year Show
  9. Steve Cram - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship athletics program, Superstars
  10. Hazel Irvine - Former presenter of BBC Sport's flagship snooker program, The World Snooker Championship