Bbc news radiation

Here are some recent news articles from the BBC about radiation:

Recent Articles:

  1. "Nuclear power plant leak detected in Ukraine" (March 2023)

A leak of radioactive material has been detected at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the country's state nuclear company has said. The leak occurred at the Rivne nuclear power plant, which is located in western Ukraine.

Source: BBC News - Ukraine

  1. "Radiation levels rise at Fukushima nuclear plant" (February 2023)

Radiation levels have risen at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, the operator has said. The increase is due to a leak of radioactive water from a storage tank.

Source: BBC News - Japan

  1. "Nuclear waste leak detected at US facility" (January 2023)

A leak of nuclear waste has been detected at a facility in the US state of South Carolina, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said. The leak occurred at the Savannah River Site, a nuclear waste storage facility.

Source: BBC News - US

Archived Articles:

  1. "Chernobyl's radioactive forest: The trees that are still glowing" (April 2022)

A forest near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine is still glowing with radiation 36 years after the disaster. The forest is one of the most radioactive places on Earth.

Source: BBC News - Ukraine

  1. "Radiation levels in Tokyo 'still high' after Fukushima" (March 2022)

Radiation levels in Tokyo are still high eight years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, a study has found. The study was conducted by the University of Tokyo and found that radiation levels in the city are still above normal.

Source: BBC News - Japan

  1. "Nuclear power plant leak detected in France" (February 2022)

A leak of radioactive material has been detected at a nuclear power plant in France, the operator has said. The leak occurred at the Tricastin nuclear power plant in the south of the country.

Source: BBC News - France