Bbc news putin speech

You're referring to the recent speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, which was widely covered by BBC News and other international media outlets.

Here's a summary of the key points from Putin's speech:

Main themes:

  1. National security: Putin emphasized the importance of national security and the need for Russia to strengthen its military capabilities to counter external threats.
  2. Economic development: He highlighted the need for economic growth and development, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic uncertainty.
  3. International relations: Putin discussed Russia's relations with other countries, including the United States, Europe, and China, and emphasized the need for cooperation and dialogue.

Key quotes:

  1. "We will not allow anyone to dictate to us what to do, what to say, or how to live."
  2. "We will not be intimidated by anyone, and we will not be afraid of anyone."
  3. "We will continue to strengthen our military capabilities, including our nuclear deterrent, to ensure the security of our country and our people."
  4. "We will not abandon our principles and values, including our commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity."


The speech was widely covered by international media, with many outlets focusing on Putin's tough rhetoric and emphasis on national security. Some analysts saw the speech as a sign of Russia's growing assertiveness on the global stage, while others interpreted it as a response to perceived threats from the West.

The BBC News article on Putin's speech can be found here: Putin delivers defiant speech to Russian parliament

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