Bbc news presenters female breakfast

Here are some female BBC News presenters who have presented the Breakfast program:

  1. Sophie Raworth: A well-known and experienced presenter, Sophie has been presenting the BBC News at Six and Ten, as well as Breakfast, since 2003.
  2. Louise Minchin: A popular presenter, Louise has been presenting Breakfast since 2006 and has also presented other BBC News programs, including the BBC News at Six and Ten.
  3. Carol Kirkwood: A weather presenter, Carol has been a regular on Breakfast since 1999 and is known for her warm and engaging style.
  4. Naga Munchetty: A presenter and journalist, Naga has been presenting Breakfast since 2014 and has also presented other BBC News programs, including the BBC News at Six and Ten.
  5. Sally Nugent: A presenter and journalist, Sally has been presenting Breakfast since 2018 and has also presented other BBC News programs, including the BBC News at Six and Ten.
  6. Kate Silverton: A presenter and journalist, Kate has been presenting Breakfast since 2014 and has also presented other BBC News programs, including the BBC News at Six and Ten.
  7. Mishal Husain: A presenter and journalist, Mishal has been presenting Breakfast since 2013 and has also presented other BBC News programs, including the BBC News at Six and Ten.

Please note that the lineup of presenters may change over time, and this list may not be exhaustive or up-to-date.