Bbc news on mmm in nigeria

Here are some recent news articles from the BBC on MMM (Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox) in Nigeria:

  1. Nigeria's MMM Ponzi scheme: 'I lost my life savings' (BBC News, January 2017)

The article reports on the devastating impact of MMM on thousands of Nigerians who invested in the scheme, including a woman who lost her life savings.

  1. Nigeria's MMM: The Ponzi scheme that's 'ruining lives' (BBC News, December 2016)

This article explores the rise and fall of MMM in Nigeria, highlighting the warnings from experts and the devastating consequences for those who invested.

  1. Nigeria's MMM: 'I'm still waiting for my money' (BBC News, November 2016)

The article features interviews with Nigerians who invested in MMM, including one who is still waiting for his money to be returned.

  1. Nigeria's MMM: The authorities' response (BBC News, October 2016)

This article examines the response of Nigerian authorities to the MMM crisis, including the arrest of some key figures involved in the scheme.

  1. Nigeria's MMM: The 'get-rich-quick' scheme that's 'a scam' (BBC News, September 2016)

The article provides an overview of MMM and its operations in Nigeria, highlighting the warnings from experts and the risks involved.

Please note that these articles are from 2016 and 2017, and the situation may have changed since then.