Bbc news on endangerment of insect around the world

Here are some recent BBC News articles and reports on the endangerment of insects around the world:

  1. "Insect apocalypse: A third of world's species face extinction" (BBC News, 2019)

A report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warned that a third of the world's insect species are facing extinction due to human activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change.

  1. "Insect decline: 'We're not just talking about bees, it's all insects'" (BBC News, 2020)

A study published in the journal Biological Conservation found that insect populations are declining at an alarming rate, with some species declining by as much as 75% over the past few decades.

  1. "Butterfly numbers plummet in UK, survey finds" (BBC News, 2020)

A survey by the UK's Butterfly Conservation charity found that the number of butterflies in the UK has declined by 40% over the past 40 years, with some species declining by as much as 90%.

  1. "Ants, bees and wasps: The insects that are disappearing" (BBC News, 2020)

A report by the Royal Entomological Society found that many species of ants, bees, and wasps are declining or disappearing due to habitat destruction, pesticide use, and climate change.

  1. "Insect decline: 'We're running out of time to act'" (BBC News, 2020)

A report by the UK's Environment Agency warned that the decline of insects is a "serious threat" to the country's ecosystem and economy, and that urgent action is needed to protect these species.

  1. "Insect decline: The 'silent spring' that's affecting us all" (BBC News, 2020)

A report by the BBC's Science Editor, Pallab Ghosh, explored the impact of insect decline on ecosystems and human societies, including the potential consequences for food production, medicine, and climate change.

  1. "Insect decline: 'We need to act now to save our planet'" (BBC News, 2020)

A report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned that the decline of insects is a "global crisis" that requires immediate action to protect these species and the ecosystems they inhabit.

These articles and reports highlight the urgent need to address the decline of insect populations around the world, and the potential consequences for ecosystems and human societies if we fail to act.