Bbc news on baby kolawole gold

I apologize, but I couldn't find any recent news articles from the BBC about a person named Baby Kolawole Gold. It's possible that the individual is not a public figure or the name is not well-known.

However, I can suggest some possible ways to find more information about Baby Kolawole Gold:

  1. Check online news archives: You can try searching online news archives such as Google News or Newsbank to see if there are any articles about Baby Kolawole Gold.
  2. Search social media: You can try searching for Baby Kolawole Gold on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to see if they have an official account or if there are any posts or updates about them.
  3. Contact local news outlets: If you know that Baby Kolawole Gold is from a specific region or country, you can try contacting local news outlets in that area to see if they have any information about them.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. If you have any more information about Baby Kolawole Gold, such as their location or the context in which you heard about them, I may be able to help you find more information.