Bbc news on african snails

Here are some recent BBC News articles related to African snails:

  1. "African giant snails: The invasive pests threatening global food security" (BBC News, 2020)

This article highlights the threat posed by the African giant snail (Achatina achatina) to global food security. The snails can consume up to 50% of a crop's yield, causing significant economic losses for farmers.

  1. "Snail fever: The silent killer in Africa's rural areas" (BBC News, 2019)

This article focuses on the impact of snail fever, also known as schistosomiasis, on rural communities in Africa. The disease is caused by parasitic worms that are transmitted through snail-infested water.

  1. "African snails: The 'super-predators' of the savannah" (BBC News, 2018)

This article explores the role of African snails as a food source for various animals, including birds, reptiles, and mammals. The snails are an important part of the ecosystem, but their populations are often threatened by habitat destruction and invasive species.

  1. "Snail farming: The unexpected business boom in Africa" (BBC News, 2017)

This article highlights the growing trend of snail farming in Africa, which is seen as a lucrative business opportunity. Snails are a valuable source of protein and are in high demand in many parts of the world.

  1. "African snails: The 'invasive species' threatening ecosystems" (BBC News, 2016)

This article discusses the impact of non-native snail species on African ecosystems. The introduction of invasive snail species can lead to the displacement of native species and alter the balance of the ecosystem.

These articles provide a range of perspectives on the importance of African snails, from their impact on food security and ecosystems to their role as a food source and the challenges posed by invasive species.