Bbc news nigeria protests

You're referring to the recent protests in Nigeria!

Yes, there have been widespread protests in Nigeria in recent weeks, sparked by a range of issues including economic hardship, corruption, and police brutality. Here's a brief summary of the situation:

Background: The protests, which began on October 5, 2020, were sparked by the killing of a young Nigerian man, Jimoh Isiaq, by the police during a protest in Ogbomosho, Oyo State. The incident was widely condemned, and it led to a wave of protests across the country, with demonstrators calling for an end to police brutality and bad governance.

Key demands: The protesters, who have been largely peaceful, are demanding an end to police brutality, the disbandment of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a notorious police unit accused of human rights abuses, and the implementation of reforms to address the country's economic and social challenges.

Violence and crackdown: Unfortunately, the protests have been marred by violence and a heavy-handed response from the authorities. On October 20, 2020, the Nigerian government imposed a 24-hour curfew in Lagos, the country's largest city, and deployed troops to the streets to quell the protests. The move was widely criticized, and there have been reports of human rights abuses, including the use of live ammunition and excessive force by security forces.

International reaction: The international community has been watching the situation in Nigeria with concern. The United States, the European Union, and other countries have called for restraint and respect for human rights. The African Union has also condemned the violence and called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

BBC News coverage: The BBC has been providing extensive coverage of the protests and the government's response. You can find articles, videos, and live updates on the BBC News website, as well as on their social media channels.

Here are some key articles and reports from the BBC: