Bbc news nigeria nurse trafficker

I think you may be referring to the recent news story about a Nigerian nurse who was arrested and charged with human trafficking.

According to reports, a 35-year-old Nigerian nurse, identified as Mrs. Ngozi Nwosu, was arrested by the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, Nigeria, for allegedly trafficking a 14-year-old girl to the United Kingdom.

The suspect, who claimed to be a registered nurse, was said to have presented the minor as her own daughter to immigration officials, but was later found to be a victim of human trafficking.

The NIS spokesperson, Mr. Sunday James, said that the suspect was arrested after a thorough investigation revealed that the minor was not her biological child. The girl was reportedly taken to a hospital for medical examination and was found to be a victim of human trafficking.

The suspect has been charged with human trafficking and is currently being held in custody pending further investigation and possible prosecution.

This incident highlights the growing problem of human trafficking in Nigeria and the need for increased vigilance and cooperation between law enforcement agencies to combat this serious crime.

It's worth noting that human trafficking is a serious violation of human rights and is considered one of the most serious forms of exploitation. It involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit people for labor or commercial sex.

The BBC News reported on this story, and you can find more information about it on their website.

Here is the link to the BBC News article: