Bbc news most read

Here are the top 10 most read BBC News articles of the day:

Note: The ranking may vary depending on the time of day and the popularity of the articles.

  1. Coronavirus: UK reports 1,447 new cases and 10 deaths - The UK has reported 1,447 new cases of coronavirus and 10 deaths, according to the latest figures from the Department of Health and Social Care.
  2. Boris Johnson: PM's adviser Dominic Cummings 'did not break lockdown rules' - Dominic Cummings, a senior adviser to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, did not break lockdown rules by driving 260 miles to his parents' home during the coronavirus pandemic, a government inquiry has concluded.
  3. US election: Trump and Biden clash in final debate - The final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has taken place, with the two candidates clashing on issues such as the economy, healthcare, and the Supreme Court.
  4. Coronavirus: France reports record 52,000 new cases in 24 hours - France has reported a record 52,000 new cases of coronavirus in the past 24 hours, according to the country's health ministry.
  5. NHS: 'Unprecedented' demand for mental health services - The UK's National Health Service (NHS) is facing "unprecedented" demand for mental health services, with a surge in referrals and long waiting times for treatment.
  6. Climate change: UK to host COP26 climate summit in Glasgow - The UK will host the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021, with world leaders expected to attend to discuss global efforts to combat climate change.
  7. Brexit: EU and UK agree on trade deal - The European Union and the UK have agreed on a trade deal, which will come into effect on January 1, 2021, and will govern the terms of their future relationship.
  8. Coronavirus: Germany reports 7,830 new cases and 12 deaths - Germany has reported 7,830 new cases of coronavirus and 12 deaths, according to the country's health ministry.
  9. US election: Polls show Biden with narrow lead - The latest polls in the US presidential election show Joe Biden with a narrow lead over Donald Trump, with just days to go until the election.
  10. Coronavirus: Italy reports 4,500 new cases and 34 deaths - Italy has reported 4,500 new cases of coronavirus and 34 deaths, according to the country's health ministry.

Please note that the ranking may change as new articles are published and readers' interests shift.