Bbc news minority language

The BBC offers news in several minority languages, catering to diverse audiences around the world. Here are some examples:

  1. Welsh: The BBC offers a Welsh-language service, BBC Cymru Fyw, which provides news, current affairs, and entertainment programs in Welsh.
  2. Scottish Gaelic: BBC Alba is a Scottish Gaelic-language television channel that broadcasts news, documentaries, and children's programs.
  3. Irish: RTÉ News Now, a service of the Irish public broadcaster RTÉ, offers news in Irish (Gaeilge) alongside English.
  4. Ulster Scots: The BBC offers some news and current affairs programs in Ulster Scots, a language spoken in Northern Ireland.
  5. Cornish: The BBC has produced some content in Cornish, a revived language spoken in Cornwall, England.
  6. Manx: The BBC has also produced some content in Manx, a Celtic language formerly spoken on the Isle of Man.
  7. Bengali: The BBC offers a Bengali-language service, BBC Bengali, which provides news, current affairs, and entertainment programs for the Bengali-speaking community in the UK and around the world.
  8. Punjabi: The BBC offers a Punjabi-language service, BBC Punjabi, which provides news, current affairs, and entertainment programs for the Punjabi-speaking community in the UK and around the world.
  9. Urdu: The BBC offers a Urdu-language service, BBC Urdu, which provides news, current affairs, and entertainment programs for the Urdu-speaking community in the UK and around the world.
  10. Other languages: The BBC also offers news and current affairs programs in other minority languages, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, among others.

These services are available through various platforms, including television, radio, online, and mobile apps. The BBC's minority language services aim to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, and to provide news and information to underserved communities.