Bbc news islam

Here are some recent news articles from the BBC related to Islam:

Top Stories

  1. UK mosque attack: Man arrested over 'Islamophobic' attack (March 2023) A man has been arrested in connection with an attack on a mosque in Birmingham, UK, which police say was motivated by Islamophobia.
  2. Iran's morality police disband, says interior minister (March 2023) Iran's interior minister has announced that the country's morality police, which enforced strict dress codes for women, have been disbanded.
  3. Pakistan mosque blast: Death toll rises to 100 (March 2023) The death toll from a blast at a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan, has risen to 100, with many more injured.


  1. Turkey's Erdogan says 'no' to EU's 'Islamophobic' criticism (March 2023) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has rejected criticism from the European Union over his government's treatment of minority groups, including Muslims.
  2. Indonesia's Islamic scholars issue fatwa against terrorism (March 2023) Indonesia's top Islamic scholars have issued a fatwa, or religious edict, condemning terrorism and calling on Muslims to reject extremist ideologies.
  3. Malaysia's king says Islam is 'not a violent religion' (March 2023) Malaysia's king has spoken out against extremism, saying that Islam is a religion of peace and that violence has no place in it.


  1. UK mosque attack: Man arrested over 'Islamophobic' attack (March 2023) A man has been arrested in connection with an attack on a mosque in Birmingham, UK, which police say was motivated by Islamophobia.
  2. UK's Muslim community 'fears backlash' after mosque attack (March 2023) The UK's Muslim community is on high alert after a mosque was attacked in Birmingham, with many fearing a backlash against Muslims.
  3. UK's Labour Party apologises for 'anti-Muslim' comments (March 2023) The UK's Labour Party has apologised for comments made by one of its MPs, which were described as "anti-Muslim" and "Islamophobic".


  1. The West's Islamophobia problem (March 2023) The BBC's Islamic affairs analyst, Mujib Mashal, writes about the growing problem of Islamophobia in the West and the need for greater understanding and tolerance.
  2. Why Islam is not a monolith (March 2023) The BBC's Islamic affairs analyst, Sajid Javid, writes about the diversity of Islam and the need to move beyond stereotypes and misconceptions.
  3. The impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women (March 2023) The BBC's Islamic affairs analyst, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, writes about the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women and the need for greater understanding and respect.