Bbc news international

BBC News International is the international news division of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), responsible for providing news coverage to audiences around the world. Here are some key facts about BBC News International:

History: BBC News International was established in 1991, following the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The division was created to provide a global news service, covering international news, politics, business, and culture.

Global Reach: BBC News International is broadcast in over 200 countries and territories, with a global audience of over 350 million people. The division has a presence in over 30 countries, with bureaus and correspondents in major cities around the world.

Programming: BBC News International produces a range of programming, including:

Journalists and Correspondents: BBC News International employs over 2,000 journalists and correspondents, including some of the most experienced and respected names in international journalism. The division has a strong reputation for impartiality and accuracy, and is widely regarded as one of the most trusted sources of international news.

Awards and Recognition: BBC News International has won numerous awards for its journalism, including several BAFTA and Emmy Awards, as well as the prestigious Peabody Award.

Partnerships: BBC News International has partnerships with several international news organizations, including Al Jazeera, CNN, and NPR, to provide coverage of global events and issues.

Language Services: BBC News International provides news coverage in over 30 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and many others.

Social Media: BBC News International has a strong presence on social media, with over 10 million followers on Twitter and over 5 million followers on Facebook.

Overall, BBC News International is a leading provider of international news and current affairs coverage, with a global reach and a reputation for impartiality and accuracy.