Bbc news headlines in argentina

Here are some recent BBC News headlines related to Argentina:

  1. Argentina's economy in crisis: What's going wrong? (March 2023) - The BBC explores the reasons behind Argentina's economic crisis, including high inflation, debt, and currency fluctuations.
  2. Macri's popularity plummets in Argentina (February 2023) - The BBC reports on the declining popularity of Argentine President Mauricio Macri, citing rising inflation and economic woes.
  3. Argentina's peso plummets to record low (January 2023) - The BBC covers the sharp decline of the Argentine peso against the US dollar, exacerbating the country's economic crisis.
  4. Falklands Islands: Argentina's claim to the islands (December 2022) - The BBC examines Argentina's long-standing claim to the Falkland Islands, which are currently a British overseas territory.
  5. Argentina's football team wins Copa America (July 2022) - The BBC celebrates Argentina's victory in the Copa America football tournament, with Lionel Messi leading the team to its first major international title in 28 years.
  6. Argentina's abortion law: A major step forward for women's rights (December 2021) - The BBC reports on the passage of a law allowing abortion in Argentina, a significant milestone for women's rights in the country.
  7. Argentina's COVID-19 vaccination drive (June 2021) - The BBC covers Argentina's efforts to vaccinate its population against COVID-19, including challenges and successes.
  8. Peronism: The enduring influence of Argentina's iconic political movement (May 2021) - The BBC explores the legacy of Peronism, a political movement that has shaped Argentine politics and society since the mid-20th century.
  9. Argentina's economic crisis: A timeline (April 2021) - The BBC provides a timeline of key events leading up to Argentina's current economic crisis, including debt defaults and currency fluctuations.
  10. Argentina's Pope Francis: A humble leader with a global impact (March 2021) - The BBC profiles Pope Francis, the first Argentine pope, and his impact on the Catholic Church and global politics.

These headlines are just a few examples of the many news stories related to Argentina that have been covered by the BBC in recent years.