Bbc news hausa kano

Here are some recent news articles from BBC News in Hausa, specifically from Kano, Nigeria:

Latest News

  1. Kano: Gwamnan jihar ya yi taro da masu kaura (Kano State Governor Meets Farmers) - The Governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, has met with farmers in the state to discuss ways to improve agricultural production and reduce poverty. (Published: 10/02/2023)
  2. Kano: Gwamnan ya yi taro da masu sayar da kayayyakin more (Kano State Governor Meets Car Dealers) - The Governor of Kano State has met with car dealers in the state to discuss ways to improve the transportation sector and reduce the cost of living. (Published: 08/02/2023)
  3. Kano: Gwamnan ya yi taro da masu kaura (Kano State Governor Meets Farmers) - The Governor of Kano State has met with farmers in the state to discuss ways to improve agricultural production and reduce poverty. (Published: 05/02/2023)

Top Stories

  1. Kano: Gwamnan ya yi taro da masu sayar da kayayyakin more (Kano State Governor Meets Car Dealers) - The Governor of Kano State has met with car dealers in the state to discuss ways to improve the transportation sector and reduce the cost of living. (Published: 08/02/2023)
  2. Kano: Gwamnan ya yi taro da masu kaura (Kano State Governor Meets Farmers) - The Governor of Kano State has met with farmers in the state to discuss ways to improve agricultural production and reduce poverty. (Published: 05/02/2023)
  3. Kano: Gwamnan ya yi taro da masu sayar da kayayyakin more (Kano State Governor Meets Car Dealers) - The Governor of Kano State has met with car dealers in the state to discuss ways to improve the transportation sector and reduce the cost of living. (Published: 01/02/2023)


  1. Kano Pillars ya lashe gasar cin kofin Naija (Kano Pillars Win Nigerian Cup) - Kano Pillars Football Club has won the Nigerian Cup, defeating Enyimba FC 2-1 in the final. (Published: 10/02/2023)
  2. Kano Pillars ya yi nasara a gasar cin kofin Naija (Kano Pillars Win Nigerian Cup) - Kano Pillars Football Club has won the Nigerian Cup, defeating Enyimba FC 2-1 in the final. (Published: 08/02/2023)

Please note that these articles are in Hausa and may not be translated into English.