Bbc news features and analysis

Here are some recent features and analysis from BBC News:


  1. "The Great Barrier Reef: A Coral Catastrophe" - An in-depth look at the devastating impact of climate change on the world's largest coral reef system.
  2. "The Rise of the Robots: How AI is Changing the World" - An exploration of the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and its far-reaching implications for society.
  3. "The Climate Crisis: Can We Still Avoid Catastrophe?" - A special report on the urgent need for action to address the climate crisis and the potential consequences of inaction.
  4. "The Future of Work: How Automation is Changing the Job Market" - An analysis of the impact of automation on employment and the skills needed for the future workforce.
  5. "The Migrant Crisis: A Global Problem" - A feature on the global migration crisis, including its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.


  1. "The US-China Trade War: What's at Stake?" - An analysis of the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China and their potential impact on the global economy.
  2. "The Brexit Conundrum: What's Next for the UK?" - A breakdown of the complexities of the Brexit process and the potential outcomes for the UK and the EU.
  3. "The Rise of Populism: What's Driving the Global Trend?" - An examination of the factors contributing to the rise of populist movements around the world and their implications for democracy.
  4. "The Future of the EU: Can it Survive the Crisis?" - An analysis of the challenges facing the European Union and the potential reforms needed to ensure its survival.
  5. "The Impact of Social Media on Democracy: A Growing Concern" - A feature on the role of social media in shaping public opinion and the potential risks to democracy.

In-depth Analysis:

  1. "The Economics of Climate Change: A Global Challenge" - A detailed analysis of the economic implications of climate change and the potential costs of inaction.
  2. "The Politics of Migration: A Global Crisis" - A comprehensive examination of the political and economic factors driving migration and the potential solutions.
  3. "The Future of Energy: A Sustainable Path Forward" - An in-depth look at the transition to renewable energy and the potential for a sustainable energy future.
  4. "The Impact of Automation on Society: A Growing Concern" - A detailed analysis of the social and economic implications of automation and the potential need for a universal basic income.
  5. "The Rise of Authoritarianism: A Global Trend?" - An examination of the factors contributing to the rise of authoritarianism around the world and the potential implications for democracy.

These are just a few examples of the many features and analysis pieces available on the BBC News website.