Bbc news datong china documentary

You're referring to the BBC documentary "Datong: The Lost City"!

"Datong: The Lost City" is a 2013 BBC documentary series that explores the ancient city of Datong, located in northern China. The documentary is presented by historian and archaeologist Dr. Xue Hong, who takes viewers on a journey to uncover the secrets of this forgotten city.

Datong was once a thriving city in the ancient Chinese kingdom of Northern Wei, but it was abandoned in the 14th century and left to ruin. The documentary follows Dr. Xue and his team as they excavate the site, uncovering hidden treasures and revealing the city's rich history.

The documentary covers a range of topics, including:

  1. The history of Datong: From its founding in the 4th century to its decline and abandonment.
  2. The architecture: The documentary showcases the stunning architecture of Datong, including its temples, pagodas, and city walls.
  3. The people: Dr. Xue and his team meet local residents who share their stories and traditions, giving a glimpse into the daily life of the people who once lived in Datong.
  4. The archaeology: The team uses cutting-edge technology to uncover hidden artifacts and relics, providing a fascinating glimpse into the daily life of the ancient city's inhabitants.

The documentary is a fascinating exploration of China's rich history and culture, and it's a must-watch for anyone interested in archaeology, history, or China.

You can find the documentary on the BBC iPlayer or on YouTube.