Bbc news dangtong china documentary

You're looking for a documentary about Dandong, China, broadcast by the BBC News. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. "China's Hidden City: Dandong" (2019) - This 30-minute documentary explores the city of Dandong, located on the border with North Korea. The film examines the city's history, economy, and daily life, as well as its unique relationship with North Korea.
  2. "Dandong: The City on the Border" (2018) - This 45-minute documentary, part of the BBC's "China's Hidden Cities" series, delves into the lives of the people living in Dandong, a city that has been shaped by its proximity to North Korea.
  3. "North Korea's Secret Trade" (2017) - While not exclusively focused on Dandong, this 30-minute documentary investigates the illegal trade between North Korea and China, with a significant portion of the film taking place in Dandong.

You can try searching for these documentaries on the BBC iPlayer (if you have a UK IP address) or other online platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or streaming services like Netflix (if they have the documentaries available).

If you're unable to find these specific documentaries, you can also try searching for other BBC News documentaries about China or North Korea, as they may have covered Dandong in a broader context.