Bbc news cosmic rays 2020

Here are some articles and news stories from BBC News related to cosmic rays in 2020:

  1. Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles from space detected in Antarctica (February 2020)

Scientists have detected a surge in cosmic rays, high-energy particles from space, in Antarctica. The increase is thought to be linked to a change in the Earth's magnetic field.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: Mysterious particles from space could be from nearby star (March 2020)

Researchers have discovered a burst of cosmic rays that could be coming from a nearby star. The particles are thought to be accelerated by a powerful magnetic field around the star.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: Scientists detect 'anomalous' particles from space (June 2020)

Scientists have detected unusual particles from space that don't fit the expected patterns of cosmic rays. The particles are thought to be from a previously unknown source.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: NASA's Parker Solar Probe finds 'cosmic wind' (July 2020)

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has detected a "cosmic wind" of high-energy particles from the Sun. The particles are thought to be accelerated by the Sun's magnetic field.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

  1. Cosmic rays: Scientists study 'cosmic rays' from distant galaxy (October 2020)

Researchers have studied cosmic rays from a distant galaxy, which could help us understand how these particles are accelerated and what they can tell us about the universe.

Source: BBC News - Science & Environment

These articles provide an overview of some of the latest research and discoveries related to cosmic rays in 2020.