Bbc news codeine

Here are some recent news articles from the BBC about codeine:

  1. Codeine: The hidden danger in your medicine cabinet (BBC News, 2020)

Codeine is a powerful painkiller that is often used to treat mild to moderate pain. However, it can be highly addictive and has been linked to a rise in overdoses and deaths. The article highlights the risks associated with codeine and the importance of using it only as directed.

  1. Codeine: The 'silent killer' in your medicine cabinet (BBC News, 2019)

This article reports on the growing concern about codeine addiction and the increasing number of deaths linked to the drug. It also discusses the lack of awareness about the risks of codeine and the need for greater education and regulation.

  1. Codeine: The painkiller that's killing thousands (BBC News, 2018)

This article examines the global problem of codeine addiction and the devastating impact it has on individuals and families. It also discusses the efforts being made to address the issue, including the development of alternative painkillers and stricter regulations on codeine use.

  1. Codeine: The hidden danger in your medicine cabinet (BBC News, 2017)

This article highlights the risks associated with codeine, including the potential for addiction and overdose. It also discusses the importance of proper storage and disposal of codeine-containing medications to prevent accidental ingestion.

  1. Codeine: The painkiller that's fuelling a global crisis (BBC News, 2016)

This article reports on the growing concern about codeine addiction and the increasing number of deaths linked to the drug. It also discusses the lack of awareness about the risks of codeine and the need for greater education and regulation.

I hope these articles provide you with a good overview of the BBC's coverage of codeine-related news.