Bbc news cockroaches

A fascinating topic! Here are some recent BBC News articles and videos about cockroaches:


  1. "Cockroaches: The ultimate survivors" (BBC News, 2020) - This article explores the incredible resilience of cockroaches, discussing their ability to withstand radiation, dehydration, and even the absence of food.
  2. "Cockroach milk: The new dairy alternative?" (BBC News, 2019) - Researchers have discovered that the milk of cockroaches contains a protein that could be used to create a new type of dairy-free milk alternative.
  3. "Cockroaches in space: How they're helping us explore the cosmos" (BBC News, 2019) - This article highlights the role that cockroaches are playing in space research, including their ability to survive in low-gravity environments.


  1. "Cockroaches: The ultimate survivors" (BBC News, 2020) - This video explores the fascinating world of cockroaches, featuring interviews with entomologists and footage of these resilient creatures.
  2. "Cockroach milk: The new dairy alternative?" (BBC News, 2019) - This video explains the science behind cockroach milk and how it could be used to create a new type of dairy-free milk alternative.
  3. "Cockroaches in space: How they're helping us explore the cosmos" (BBC News, 2019) - This video showcases the role that cockroaches are playing in space research, including their ability to survive in low-gravity environments.

Other interesting facts:

I hope you find these articles and videos interesting!