Bbc news america today

Here are the top stories from BBC News America today:

Top Stories

  1. US-China trade talks: Beijing says 'substantial progress' made: The US and China have made "substantial progress" in their trade talks, according to Chinese state media. The two sides are trying to reach a deal to end a trade war that has lasted for over a year.
  2. Trump impeachment: House Democrats to vote on articles of impeachment: The House of Representatives is set to vote on two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
  3. California wildfires: Thousands evacuated as fires rage on: Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in California as two massive wildfires continue to spread. The fires have already destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses.
  4. US-Mexico border: Trump's wall plan faces new legal challenge: A new legal challenge has been launched against President Trump's plan to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. The challenge argues that the wall is a violation of international law.
  5. NASA's Artemis mission: US plans to return humans to Moon by 2024: NASA has announced plans to return humans to the Moon by 2024 as part of its Artemis mission. The mission aims to establish a sustainable presence on the Moon and eventually send humans to Mars.


  1. US stock market: Dow Jones hits record high: The Dow Jones Industrial Average has hit a record high, driven by strong earnings reports from major companies such as Apple and Microsoft.
  2. Amazon's Alexa: New features and devices announced: Amazon has announced new features and devices for its Alexa virtual assistant, including a new smart speaker and improved voice recognition capabilities.
  3. Tesla's Autopilot: Investigation into fatal crash continues: An investigation into a fatal crash involving a Tesla car equipped with Autopilot technology is ongoing. The crash occurred in California and killed two people.


  1. NFL: Kansas City Chiefs win AFC Championship: The Kansas City Chiefs have won the AFC Championship game, defeating the Tennessee Titans 35-24. The Chiefs will now play the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl.
  2. NBA: Los Angeles Lakers win 10th straight game: The Los Angeles Lakers have won their 10th straight game, defeating the Denver Nuggets 117-107. The Lakers are now 36-9 on the season.


  1. Winter storm hits US East Coast: A winter storm is hitting the US East Coast, bringing heavy snow and freezing temperatures. The storm has already caused widespread disruptions and power outages.
  2. California wildfires: Weather conditions worsen fire spread: The weather conditions in California have worsened the spread of the wildfires, with strong winds and dry conditions fueling the fires.

These are just some of the top stories from BBC News America today. You can find more news and updates on the BBC News website.