Bbc news africa sheillah

You're looking for news articles from BBC News Africa featuring Sheillah. Here are a few recent ones:

  1. Nigeria's Shehu Sani: 'I was tortured and forced to confess' (March 2023)

Shehu Sani, a former Nigerian senator, has spoken out about his alleged torture and forced confession while in detention. He was arrested in 2019 and accused of kidnapping and other crimes.

Source: BBC News Africa

  1. Sheillah Ojo: The Nigerian woman who's a 'hero' to many (February 2023)

Sheillah Ojo, a Nigerian woman, has been hailed as a hero for her bravery in rescuing a group of children from a burning building in Lagos. Her actions were captured on video and have gone viral.

Source: BBC News Africa

  1. Shehu Sani: 'I was forced to sign a false confession' (January 2023)

Shehu Sani, the former Nigerian senator, has claimed that he was forced to sign a false confession while in detention. He was arrested in 2019 and accused of kidnapping and other crimes.

Source: BBC News Africa

Please note that these articles may not be the most recent ones, and you can always search for more recent news articles on the BBC News Africa website or other reputable sources.