Bbc news africa editor

The BBC News Africa Editor is a senior role within the BBC's Africa Service, responsible for overseeing the editorial direction and content of the service's news coverage of Africa.

Here are a few notable BBC News Africa Editors:

  1. Femi Oke: Femi Oke is the current BBC News Africa Editor, a position she has held since 2019. She is a Nigerian-born journalist with over 20 years of experience in international broadcasting. Prior to her current role, she was the BBC's Washington correspondent and has also worked as a presenter and reporter for the BBC's Newsnight and World News programs.
  2. Nomsa Maseko: Nomsa Maseko was the BBC News Africa Editor from 2015 to 2019. She is a South African-born journalist with over 20 years of experience in international broadcasting. During her tenure as Africa Editor, she oversaw the BBC's coverage of major events in Africa, including the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the xenophobic attacks in South Africa.
  3. Richard Hamilton: Richard Hamilton was the BBC News Africa Editor from 2011 to 2015. He is a British journalist with over 30 years of experience in international broadcasting. During his tenure as Africa Editor, he oversaw the BBC's coverage of major events in Africa, including the Arab Spring and the elections in Nigeria.

The BBC News Africa Editor is responsible for:

The BBC News Africa Editor plays a critical role in shaping the BBC's coverage of Africa, ensuring that the service provides accurate, balanced, and comprehensive reporting on the continent's news and current affairs.