Bbc news adeleke dancing

I think you may be referring to the recent news about Ademola Adeleke, a Nigerian politician, who was seen dancing at a party.

Ademola Adeleke is a Nigerian senator and the current governor of Osun State. He was recently spotted dancing at a party, which has gone viral on social media.

The video shows Adeleke dancing to a popular Nigerian song, with a group of people around him. The video has been widely shared on social media, with many people praising his dancing skills.

The news about Adeleke's dancing has been reported by several media outlets, including the BBC. The BBC article about the incident is titled "Nigeria's Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke dances at party".

It's worth noting that Adeleke's dancing has been seen as a way to connect with his constituents and show his human side. As a politician, he is often seen as a serious and formal figure, so this video has humanized him and shown that he is not afraid to let loose and have fun.

Overall, the news about Adeleke's dancing has been a lighthearted and entertaining story that has captured the attention of many people around the world.