Bbc news about nigeria president

Here are some recent BBC News articles about the President of Nigeria:

  1. Nigeria's President Buhari to seek re-election (February 2019)

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has announced that he will seek re-election in the country's next presidential poll. Mr Buhari, who is 76, has been in power since 2015 and has been struggling with health issues.

Source: BBC News - Nigeria's President Buhari to seek re-election

  1. Nigeria's President Buhari returns to Nigeria after medical leave (August 2017)

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to the country after a 103-day medical leave in the UK. Mr Buhari, 75, had been receiving treatment for an undisclosed illness.

Source: BBC News - Nigeria's President Buhari returns to Nigeria after medical leave

  1. Nigeria's President Buhari signs anti-corruption bill into law (May 2016)

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has signed a bill into law aimed at tackling corruption in the country. The law establishes a new anti-corruption agency and increases penalties for corruption offenses.

Source: BBC News - Nigeria's President Buhari signs anti-corruption bill into law

  1. Nigeria's President Buhari meets with US Secretary of State (July 2015)

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has met with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Abuja, Nigeria's capital. The meeting focused on issues such as terrorism, economic development, and human rights.

Source: BBC News - Nigeria's President Buhari meets with US Secretary of State

  1. Nigeria's President Buhari wins presidential election (March 2015)

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has won the country's presidential election, defeating incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan. Mr Buhari, a former military leader, won with 15.4 million votes, while Mr Jonathan received 12.9 million votes.

Source: BBC News - Nigeria's President Buhari wins presidential election

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may no longer be available on the BBC News website.