Bbc news about nigeria mmm shutdown

Here are some BBC News articles and reports about the MMM Nigeria shutdown:

  1. MMM Nigeria: Ponzi scheme collapses, leaving thousands in debt (BBC News, December 2016)

The article reports on the collapse of MMM Nigeria, a popular Ponzi scheme that had attracted millions of subscribers. The scheme, which promised high returns on investments, was shut down by its operators, leaving thousands of people in debt.

  1. Nigeria's MMM Ponzi scheme: 'I lost my life savings' (BBC News, December 2016)

This article features an interview with a Nigerian woman who lost her life savings in the MMM Ponzi scheme. She describes how she was lured into the scheme by promises of high returns and how she is now struggling to make ends meet.

  1. MMM Nigeria: How a Ponzi scheme fooled millions (BBC News, December 2016)

This article provides an in-depth analysis of how MMM Nigeria was able to fool millions of people into investing in the scheme. It highlights the tactics used by the scheme's operators to recruit new members and the lack of regulation that allowed the scheme to thrive.

  1. Nigeria's MMM Ponzi scheme: 'I'm still waiting for my money' (BBC News, January 2017)

This article reports on the aftermath of the MMM Nigeria shutdown, with many people still waiting for their money. It highlights the difficulties faced by those who invested in the scheme and the lack of accountability from the scheme's operators.

  1. MMM Nigeria: The rise and fall of a Ponzi scheme (BBC News, February 2017)

This article provides a timeline of the rise and fall of MMM Nigeria, from its launch in 2015 to its eventual shutdown in 2016. It highlights the key events and milestones that led to the scheme's collapse.

These articles provide a good overview of the MMM Nigeria shutdown and its impact on thousands of people who invested in the scheme.