Bbc news about iheanacho signing 85 000

I apologize, but I couldn't find any BBC News article about Kelechi Iheanacho signing a deal worth £85,000. It's possible that the article may not exist or may not be publicly available.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you may be able to find information about Kelechi Iheanacho's contract or transfer deals:

  1. Official club websites: You can check the official websites of Leicester City FC, where Iheanacho currently plays, or his previous clubs, such as Manchester City FC, for information about his contract or transfer deals.
  2. Sports news websites: Websites like BBC Sport, Sky Sports, and often report on football transfers and contracts. You can search for articles about Iheanacho's contract or transfer deals on these websites.
  3. Transfer market websites: Websites like Transfermarkt and Sofascore provide information about football transfers, including contract values and transfer fees.

If you could provide more context or clarify which specific contract or transfer deal you are looking for, I may be able to help you find the information you need.