Bbc news about cheapest cities vs most expensive

Here are some recent articles from BBC News about the cheapest and most expensive cities in the world:

Cheapest Cities:

  1. "The 10 cheapest cities in the world to live in" (BBC News, 2020)

According to a report by Mercer, the following cities are among the cheapest in the world:

  1. "The world's cheapest cities: Where your money goes further" (BBC News, 2019)

This article highlights the following cities as being among the most affordable:

Most Expensive Cities:

  1. "The world's most expensive cities: Where your money won't go far" (BBC News, 2020)

According to a report by Mercer, the following cities are among the most expensive in the world:

  1. "The world's most expensive cities: How to make your money last" (BBC News, 2019)

This article highlights the following cities as being among the most expensive:

It's worth noting that these rankings can vary depending on the criteria used and the source of the data. Additionally, while these cities may be considered expensive or cheap in general, there can be significant variations in cost of living within each city depending on factors such as lifestyle, accommodation, and personal choices.