Bbc new today in pictures

Here are some of the top images from BBC News today:

1. Wildfires rage in Greece: A massive wildfire is burning out of control in Greece, forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes. (Source: AP)

[Image: A firefighter battles a wildfire in Greece]

2. Protests in Hong Kong: Thousands of people have taken to the streets in Hong Kong to protest against a proposed extradition bill, which they fear will erode the city's autonomy. (Source: Reuters)

[Image: Protesters hold up signs and chant slogans in Hong Kong]

3. Heatwave in Europe: A severe heatwave is affecting much of Europe, with temperatures soaring to record highs in some areas. (Source: EPA)

[Image: A person lies on a beach in France as the sun beats down]

4. Nobel Prize in Physics: The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three scientists for their work on the discovery of a new type of quantum particle. (Source: Getty Images)

[Image: The three Nobel laureates hold up their medals]

5. Floods in India: Heavy rainfall has caused widespread flooding in the Indian state of Kerala, leaving thousands of people stranded. (Source: AP)

[Image: A person wades through floodwaters in Kerala]

6. SpaceX launch: SpaceX has launched a new batch of satellites into space, marking a major milestone for the company's Starlink project. (Source: Getty Images)

[Image: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from a launchpad]

7. Wildlife conservation: Conservationists have released a group of endangered mountain gorillas back into the wild in Rwanda. (Source: AP)

[Image: A mountain gorilla is released back into the wild]

These are just a few of the top images from BBC News today. You can find more news and images on the BBC News website.