Bbc ireporter fake news game

You're referring to the popular BBC iReporter game!

For those who may not know, BBC iReporter is a interactive game where players take on the role of a journalist, tasked with investigating and reporting on fake news stories. The game is designed to educate players about the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the digital age.

Here's how the game works:

  1. Players are presented with a series of news stories, each with a headline and a brief summary.
  2. The player must then decide whether the story is true or false, and provide a reason for their answer.
  3. The game uses AI-powered technology to generate the news stories, which are designed to be plausible but actually false.
  4. The player's answers are then evaluated, and they receive feedback on their performance.
  5. The game tracks the player's progress and provides a score based on their accuracy.

The goal of the game is to encourage players to think critically about the news they consume and to develop good habits for evaluating the credibility of online sources.

BBC iReporter is a fun and engaging way to learn about the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking, and it's a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their media literacy skills.

Have you played BBC iReporter before? What was your experience like?