Bbc iom news

You're looking for news from the Isle of Man, which is a self-governing British Crown dependency in the Irish Sea. Here are some ways to access BBC news from the Isle of Man:

  1. BBC Isle of Man News Website: You can visit the official BBC Isle of Man news website at This website provides up-to-date news, sport, and features from the Isle of Man.
  2. BBC Radio Manx: BBC Radio Manx is a local radio station that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs to the Isle of Man. You can listen to their live stream online or tune in on FM radio (93.5 MHz).
  3. BBC News App: You can download the BBC News app on your mobile device and select "Isle of Man" as your location to access local news and updates.
  4. BBC iPlayer: The BBC iPlayer is a catch-up service that allows you to watch and listen to BBC programs, including news, from the Isle of Man. You can access the iPlayer website or download the app on your device.

Some popular news topics from the Isle of Man include:

I hope this helps you stay up-to-date with the latest news from the Isle of Man!