Bbc international news

Here are the latest international news stories from the BBC:

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine-Russia conflict: Ukraine says it has repelled a Russian attack in the eastern region of Donetsk, as fighting continues to escalate. (BBC News)
  2. North Korea-US relations: North Korea has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, in a move that is likely to further strain relations with the US. (BBC News)
  3. India-Pakistan tensions: India has accused Pakistan of supporting a militant group responsible for a deadly attack in Kashmir, as tensions between the two countries continue to rise. (BBC News)


  1. China-Hong Kong protests: Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have clashed with police, as the city marks the 23rd anniversary of its handover from British to Chinese rule. (BBC News)
  2. Japan-South Korea relations: Japan has imposed trade restrictions on South Korea, in a move that is likely to further strain relations between the two countries. (BBC News)
  3. Indonesia election: Indonesia's presidential election has been delayed until September, after the country's election commission said it needed more time to count votes. (BBC News)


  1. Brexit: The UK and EU have agreed a new Brexit deal, which will see the UK leave the EU on October 31. (BBC News)
  2. France-Germany relations: France and Germany have agreed to work together to address the challenges facing the EU, as the two countries mark the 56th anniversary of their friendship treaty. (BBC News)
  3. Italy government crisis: Italy's government is on the brink of collapse, after the country's president rejected the resignation of the prime minister. (BBC News)


  1. South Africa protests: Protests have erupted in South Africa over plans to introduce a new law that would allow the government to seize land from white farmers without compensation. (BBC News)
  2. Ethiopia-Eritrea relations: Ethiopia and Eritrea have signed a peace deal, ending a two-year conflict between the two countries. (BBC News)
  3. Nigeria election: Nigeria's presidential election has been postponed until February, after the country's electoral commission said it needed more time to prepare. (BBC News)


  1. US-Mexico border: The US and Mexico have agreed to a new deal to address the crisis at the US-Mexico border, which includes a plan to send asylum seekers to Mexico. (BBC News)
  2. Brazil election: Brazil's presidential election has been marked by controversy, after the country's electoral court rejected a challenge to the result. (BBC News)
  3. Canada-US relations: Canada and the US have agreed to a new trade deal, which replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta). (BBC News)

These are just some of the latest international news stories from the BBC. You can find more news and analysis on the BBC News website.