Bbc igbo sports news

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that there is no such thing as "BBC Igbo Sports News". The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a British public service broadcaster that provides news and information in English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, and other languages, but it does not have a specific Igbo language service.

Igbo is a language spoken primarily in Nigeria, and while there may be some online news sources or radio stations that provide news in Igbo, there is no BBC Igbo Sports News.

If you're looking for sports news in Igbo, you may want to try searching for online news sources or radio stations that cater to the Igbo-speaking community. Some examples include:

Please note that these sources may not provide sports news exclusively in Igbo, but they may have some sports coverage in the Igbo language.

If you have any further questions or would like more information on finding Igbo language news sources, feel free to ask!