Bbc igbo news today

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that the BBC does not have a dedicated Igbo news service. The BBC is a British public service broadcaster that provides news and information in multiple languages, but Igbo is not one of the languages they offer.

However, I can suggest some alternative sources of Igbo news and information:

  1. The Punch: The Punch is a Nigerian newspaper that publishes news in Igbo language. You can visit their website at and select the Igbo language option.
  2. Vanguard: Vanguard is another Nigerian newspaper that publishes news in Igbo language. You can visit their website at and select the Igbo language option.
  3. Igbo News Online: Igbo News Online is a website that publishes news and information in Igbo language. You can visit their website at
  4. NTA Igbo: NTA Igbo is a Nigerian television station that broadcasts news and information in Igbo language. You can watch their programs on TV or visit their website at

Please note that these sources may not be available in English, and you may need to use a translation service or a friend who speaks Igbo to help you understand the content.