Bbc hausa video news

You're looking for BBC Hausa video news! Here are a few options:

  1. BBC Hausa YouTube Channel: The official BBC Hausa YouTube channel has a vast collection of video news, documentaries, and current affairs programs in Hausa language. You can find it by searching for "BBC Hausa" on YouTube.
  2. BBC News Hausa: The BBC News website has a dedicated section for Hausa language news, which includes video reports, news bulletins, and analysis. You can access it by visiting
  3. BBC Hausa Facebook Page: The BBC Hausa Facebook page also shares video news, updates, and behind-the-scenes content. You can find it by searching for "BBC Hausa" on Facebook.
  4. BBC Hausa Twitter Handle: The BBC Hausa Twitter handle (@BBC Hausa) shares video clips, news updates, and live tweets. You can follow it to stay updated on the latest news and current affairs.

Some popular BBC Hausa video news programs include:

I hope this helps you find the BBC Hausa video news you're looking for!