Bbc hausa news sokoto

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that the BBC does not have a Hausa news service specifically for Sokoto. The BBC does have a Hausa service, which is a part of its international news coverage, but it is not focused on a specific state or region like Sokoto.

That being said, I can suggest some alternative sources of news in Hausa that may be relevant to Sokoto:

  1. BBC Hausa: While the BBC does not have a Sokoto-specific news service, its Hausa service does cover news from across Nigeria, including Sokoto. You can find BBC Hausa news on their website or through their mobile app.
  2. Voice of America (VOA) Hausa: VOA is a US-based international news organization that also has a Hausa service. They cover news from around the world, including Nigeria and Sokoto.
  3. Nigerian newspapers: There are several Nigerian newspapers that publish news in Hausa, including Daily Trust, Leadership, and The Punch. You can find their online editions or subscribe to their print editions.
  4. Sokoto State Government website: The Sokoto State Government website may also have news and updates on its activities and initiatives.

Please note that these sources may not be exclusively focused on Sokoto, but they may still provide relevant news and information on the state.