Bbc fake news game

A fun game!

BBC Fake News Game

Objective: To spot the fake news article from the BBC News website.

How to play:

  1. I'll provide you with a news article from the BBC News website.
  2. You'll have to decide whether the article is real or fake.
  3. If you think the article is fake, explain why you think so.
  4. If you're correct, you earn a point!
  5. If you're incorrect, I'll explain why the article is real.
  6. We'll play multiple rounds, and the person with the most points at the end wins!

Round 1:

Here's your first article:

Headline: "New species of giant squid discovered in depths of the Mariana Trench"

Article: "Scientists have discovered a new species of giant squid in the depths of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. The creature, which has been named 'Architeuthis maximus', is estimated to be around 20 meters long and weighs over 1,000 kilograms. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who were conducting a deep-sea expedition in the trench."

Is this article real or fake?

Type 'real' or 'fake' and explain your answer!