Bbc co uk news science and environment

Here are the latest news articles from the BBC News Science and Environment section:

Top Stories

  1. Climate change: 'Unprecedented' heatwaves to hit Europe - Scientists warn of a "new normal" for extreme weather events as temperatures are set to rise by up to 5C by the end of the century.
  2. NASA's Perseverance rover finds evidence of ancient lake on Mars - The rover has discovered sedimentary rocks that suggest a lake once existed on the Red Planet, which could have supported life.
  3. UK's first commercial spaceport gets green light - The Scottish government has given the go-ahead for a spaceport in Sutherland, which will allow private rockets to launch into space.


  1. UK's carbon emissions fall by 2.5% in 2020 - The country's greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.5% last year, but the government still faces a challenge to meet its climate targets.
  2. Plastic pollution: 'Unprecedented' levels found in UK rivers - A study has found that plastic pollution is widespread in UK rivers, with 85% of samples containing microplastics.
  3. Climate change: 'Tipping point' for Arctic ice reached - The Arctic ice cap has reached a "tipping point" where it is no longer able to recover from the effects of climate change.


  1. New human species discovered in the Philippines - Scientists have identified a new human species, Homo luzonensis, which is thought to have lived on the island of Luzon up to 50,000 years ago.
  2. AI-powered microscope helps discover new species of fish - A team of scientists has used artificial intelligence to identify a new species of fish in the Amazon River.
  3. Gravitational waves detected from massive star collision - Scientists have detected gravitational waves from the collision of two massive stars, which could help us better understand the universe.

In Pictures

  1. Climate change: The impact on the world's oceans - A collection of images showing the effects of climate change on the world's oceans, including rising sea levels and coral bleaching.
  2. Space exploration: The latest images from NASA's Perseverance rover - A selection of images taken by the Perseverance rover on Mars, including stunning vistas of the Red Planet's landscape.
  3. Wildlife conservation: The fight to save endangered species - A collection of images showing the efforts of conservationists to protect endangered species, including elephants, rhinos, and pangolins.

I hope you find these articles interesting!