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Here are the latest news articles from BBC News Northern Ireland:

Top Stories

  1. Northern Ireland Protocol: UK and EU agree to ease trade tensions: The UK and EU have agreed to ease trade tensions over the Northern Ireland Protocol, with the UK committing to implement new customs procedures.
  2. DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson: We will not support a government that undermines Northern Ireland's place in the UK: The DUP leader has warned that his party will not support a government that undermines Northern Ireland's place in the UK.
  3. Northern Ireland's economy: Growth slows due to Brexit uncertainty: Northern Ireland's economy has slowed down due to Brexit uncertainty, according to a new report.

Regional News

  1. Belfast City Council: New mayor elected after controversy: A new mayor has been elected to Belfast City Council after a controversy surrounding the previous mayor's resignation.
  2. Derry/Londonderry: City's historic walls to be restored: The historic walls of Derry/Londonderry are to be restored as part of a major regeneration project.
  3. Northern Ireland's rural areas: Funding boost for community projects: Rural areas in Northern Ireland are set to receive a funding boost for community projects.


  1. Northern Ireland Assembly: Parties agree to restore powersharing: The main parties in Northern Ireland have agreed to restore powersharing at the Assembly, following a period of stalemate.
  2. UK Government: Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis to meet with parties: The UK Government's Northern Ireland Secretary is to meet with the main parties in Northern Ireland to discuss the restoration of powersharing.
  3. Sinn Féin: Party leader Mary Lou McDonald to meet with UK Prime Minister: The leader of Sinn Féin is to meet with the UK Prime Minister to discuss the restoration of powersharing in Northern Ireland.


  1. Northern Ireland football: Michael O'Neill to leave role as manager: Michael O'Neill is to leave his role as manager of the Northern Ireland football team.
  2. GAA: Ulster Championship to be played behind closed doors: The Ulster Championship is to be played behind closed doors due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Rugby: Ulster Rugby to play at Kingspan Stadium: Ulster Rugby is to play its home games at the Kingspan Stadium in Belfast.

These are just a few of the latest news articles from BBC News Northern Ireland. You can visit the website for more in-depth coverage of news, sport, and weather from across the region.