Bbc breaking news blooper

The infamous BBC Breaking News blooper!

On January 3, 2014, the BBC News channel broadcast a breaking news segment announcing that the Soviet Union had invaded Poland, which was a major historical event that occurred in 1939. However, the announcement was made in error, and the news anchor, Nick Robinson, was left stunned and confused.

The blooper was caused by a mistake in the script, which was supposed to announce the death of former Polish President Wojciech Jaruzelski. Instead, the script mistakenly referred to the Soviet Union's invasion of Poland, which was a significant historical event that occurred over 75 years earlier.

The mistake was quickly corrected, and the BBC issued an apology for the error. However, the blooper has become a memorable moment in the history of the BBC and has been widely shared and parodied online.

Here's a clip of the blooper:

[Video: BBC News anchor Nick Robinson announcing the Soviet Union's invasion of Poland]

Nick Robinson: "We're getting reports that the Soviet Union has invaded Poland... I think this is a mistake, isn't it?"


Nick Robinson: "I think we may have got this wrong. I'm not sure what's happening here."

[Apology message appears on screen]

The BBC has since taken steps to prevent similar mistakes from happening in the future, including implementing additional checks and balances in their news production process.