Bbc best news

Here are some of the latest and most popular news stories from the BBC:

Top Stories

  1. Coronavirus: UK death toll passes 100,000: The UK has become the first country in Europe to record more than 100,000 deaths from Covid-19.
  2. Boris Johnson to unveil new Covid-19 measures: The UK Prime Minister is set to announce new restrictions to combat the spread of the virus.
  3. US election: Trump and Biden make final pitches: The two presidential candidates are making their final appeals to voters ahead of the election on Tuesday.

World News

  1. Iran nuclear deal: US and Iran agree to revive talks: The two countries have agreed to revive talks on the 2015 nuclear deal, which was abandoned by the US in 2018.
  2. North Korea: Kim Jong-un's sister appears in public for first time in months: Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has been spotted in public for the first time in months.
  3. Australia bushfires: Thousands of firefighters battle blazes: Thousands of firefighters are battling bushfires across Australia, with several states declaring states of emergency.

UK News

  1. NHS: Hospitals face 'perfect storm' of pressures: The NHS is facing a "perfect storm" of pressures, including a surge in Covid-19 cases and a shortage of staff.
  2. Brexit: UK and EU agree on trade deal: The UK and EU have agreed on a trade deal, which will come into effect on January 1.
  3. London Bridge attack: Man arrested over stabbing: A man has been arrested in connection with a stabbing attack on London Bridge, which left two people injured.


  1. Global economy: Recovery from pandemic 'fragile': The global economy is recovering from the pandemic, but the recovery is "fragile" and vulnerable to setbacks.
  2. Amazon to create 10,000 new UK jobs: Amazon is creating 10,000 new jobs in the UK, as part of its expansion plans.
  3. HSBC to cut 35,000 jobs globally: HSBC is cutting 35,000 jobs globally, as part of a major restructuring plan.

These are just a few of the latest news stories from the BBC. You can find more news and updates on the BBC website.