Bbc africa news presenters

Here are some of the popular BBC Africa news presenters:

  1. Lerato Mbele-Lobb: A South African journalist and presenter who currently anchors the BBC Newsday program.
  2. Nancy Kacungira: A Rwandan-British journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.
  3. Lyse Doucet: A Canadian-British journalist and presenter who is the BBC's Chief International Correspondent and has reported extensively on African news.
  4. Zein Basravi: A Somali-British journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.
  5. Katty Kay: An American-British journalist and presenter who is the BBC's Washington Correspondent and has reported on African news.
  6. Mimi Mefo: A Cameroonian-British journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.
  7. Nomsa Mbane: A South African journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.
  8. Waje Irouko: A Nigerian-British journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.
  9. Sophie Foster: A British journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.
  10. Andrew Simpson: A British journalist and presenter who anchors the BBC Newsday program and presents the BBC Africa Business Report.

Please note that the list of presenters may vary depending on the time of day, program, and location.