Bbc africa news live

Here are the latest news updates from BBC Africa:

Top Stories

  1. Nigeria: Boko Haram attacks kill dozens in Borno state: At least 30 people have been killed in a series of attacks by Boko Haram militants in Borno state, Nigeria.
  2. South Africa: Ramaphosa's ANC faces internal divisions: The African National Congress (ANC) is facing internal divisions ahead of its national conference, with some members calling for President Cyril Ramaphosa to step down.
  3. Ethiopia: Tigray crisis: Thousands flee as fighting spreads: Thousands of people have fled their homes in Ethiopia's Tigray region as fighting between government forces and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) spreads.
  4. Ghana: President Akufo-Addo tests positive for Covid-19: Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo has tested positive for Covid-19, his office has announced.
  5. Kenya: Raila Odinga's ODM party wins Nairobi governorship: Raila Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has won the Nairobi governorship in Kenya's elections.

Regional News

  1. West Africa: ECOWAS leaders meet to discuss Mali crisis: Leaders from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are meeting to discuss the crisis in Mali, where a military coup has led to a power vacuum.
  2. East Africa: Kenya and Somalia agree to reopen border: Kenya and Somalia have agreed to reopen their border, which was closed in 2014 due to a dispute over a border town.
  3. Southern Africa: Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa wins presidential election: Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa has won the country's presidential election, according to official results.
  4. North Africa: Algeria's Bouteflika resigns as president: Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has resigned, bringing an end to his 20-year rule.
  5. Central Africa: Cameroon's Biya wins presidential election: Cameroonian President Paul Biya has won the country's presidential election, according to official results.

Business and Economy

  1. Nigeria: Economy grows by 2.3% in Q2: Nigeria's economy grew by 2.3% in the second quarter of the year, according to official figures.
  2. South Africa: Inflation rate falls to 3.2%: South Africa's inflation rate has fallen to 3.2%, according to official figures.
  3. Egypt: Suez Canal revenues reach record high: Revenues from the Suez Canal have reached a record high, according to Egyptian officials.
  4. Ghana: Gold exports increase by 12%: Ghana's gold exports have increased by 12% in the first half of the year, according to official figures.
  5. Kenya: Economy grows by 6.3% in Q2: Kenya's economy grew by 6.3% in the second quarter of the year, according to official figures.


  1. Rugby: South Africa wins Rugby World Cup: South Africa has won the Rugby World Cup, defeating England 32-12 in the final.
  2. Football: Nigeria's Super Eagles qualify for AFCON: Nigeria's Super Eagles have qualified for the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) after defeating Sierra Leone 4-4 on aggregate.
  3. Cricket: South Africa wins Test series against England: South Africa has won the Test series against England, defeating them 2-1.
  4. Athletics: Ethiopia's Genzebe Dibaba sets new world record: Ethiopian athlete Genzebe Dibaba has set a new world record in the 5,000m event.
  5. Tennis: South Africa's Lloyd Harris wins ATP title: South African tennis player Lloyd Harris has won the ATP title in Marrakech, Morocco.


  1. Music: Nigerian artist Wizkid releases new album: Nigerian artist Wizkid has released a new album, "Made in Lagos".
  2. Film: South African film "The Wound" wins award: South African film "The Wound" has won the Best Foreign Language Film award at the Sundance Film Festival.
  3. TV: Kenyan TV show "Sue na Joni" wins award: Kenyan TV show "Sue na Joni" has won the Best TV Drama award at the Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards.
  4. Music: Ghanaian artist Stonebwoy releases new album: Ghanaian artist Stonebwoy has released a new album, "Anloga Junction".
  5. Film: Nigerian film "The Figurine" wins award: Nigerian film "The Figurine" has won the Best Film award at the Africa Movie Academy Awards.

I hope you find these updates interesting and informative!