Bayern defeat shows chelsea made a mistake not buying in january cole

I think there may be a few assumptions in your statement that don't quite add up.

Firstly, Bayern Munich did not defeat Chelsea in a recent match. Bayern Munich is a German club that plays in the Bundesliga, while Chelsea is an English club that plays in the Premier League. They are two separate teams that compete in different leagues.

Secondly, the January transfer window is a period when clubs can buy and sell players, but it's not a guarantee that a player will improve a team's chances of winning. Chelsea may have had reasons for not signing a particular player, such as financial constraints, squad balance, or other factors.

Lastly, Cole is likely referring to Eden Hazard, a Belgian midfielder who played for Chelsea from 2012 to 2019. While Hazard is an excellent player, it's not clear why Chelsea would have regretted not signing him in January, as he was already a part of the team.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you mean by "Cole", I'd be happy to help you understand the situation better!