Bayelsa rivers yesterday news

Here are some recent news stories from Bayelsa State, Nigeria:

Yesterday's News

  1. Bayelsa Govt. Commences Construction of 10,000-Bed Capacity Hospital: The Bayelsa State Government has commenced the construction of a 10,000-bed capacity hospital in Yenagoa, the state capital. The hospital, which is expected to be completed in two years, will provide quality healthcare services to the people of the state. (Source: Vanguard)
  2. Bayelsa APC Chieftain, Timi Alaibe, Defects to PDP: Timi Alaibe, a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Bayelsa State, has defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Alaibe, a former Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), cited the APC's failure to fulfill its campaign promises as the reason for his defection. (Source: ThisDay)
  3. Bayelsa Govt. to Establish 10 New Primary Schools: The Bayelsa State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary schools across the state. The schools, which will be built with the support of the World Bank, will provide quality education to children in the state. (Source: Daily Trust)
  4. Bayelsa Police Command Arrests 15 Suspects Over Cultism: The Bayelsa State Police Command has arrested 15 suspects in connection with cult-related activities in the state. The suspects, who were arrested in various parts of the state, will be charged to court soon. (Source: Punch)
  5. Bayelsa Govt. to Construct 10,000 Housing Units: The Bayelsa State Government has announced plans to construct 10,000 housing units in the state. The housing units, which will be built with the support of the Federal Government, will provide affordable housing to the people of the state. (Source: Leadership)

Recent News

  1. Bayelsa Govt. Approves N10.5bn for Road Construction: The Bayelsa State Government has approved N10.5 billion for the construction of roads in the state. The roads, which will be built in various parts of the state, will improve transportation and economic activities in the state. (Source: Vanguard)
  2. Bayelsa APC Chieftain, Orunimighe, Defects to PDP: Orunimighe, a chieftain of the APC in Bayelsa State, has defected to the PDP. Orunimighe, who cited the APC's failure to fulfill its campaign promises as the reason for his defection, has pledged to work with the PDP to develop the state. (Source: ThisDay)
  3. Bayelsa Govt. to Establish 5 New Markets: The Bayelsa State Government has announced plans to establish 5 new markets in the state. The markets, which will be built with the support of the Federal Government, will provide a platform for traders to sell their goods and services. (Source: Daily Trust)
  4. Bayelsa Police Command Arrests 20 Suspects Over Armed Robbery: The Bayelsa State Police Command has arrested 20 suspects in connection with armed robbery in the state. The suspects, who were arrested in various parts of the state, will be charged to court soon. (Source: Punch)
  5. Bayelsa Govt. to Construct 5,000-Bed Capacity Hostel: The Bayelsa State Government has announced plans to construct a 5,000-bed capacity hostel in the state. The hostel, which will be built with the support of the Federal Government, will provide accommodation for students in the state. (Source: Leadership)