Bauchi troops arrest kidnappers cash paid ransom

It appears that you are referring to a news article about the arrest of kidnappers by troops in Bauchi, Nigeria, and the recovery of a ransom that was paid to them.

Here is a summary of the article:

Troops of the Nigerian Army in Bauchi State have arrested a group of kidnappers who had been demanding a ransom from a family in the state. The kidnappers had taken a family member hostage and were demanding a ransom in exchange for their safe release.

The troops, who were acting on a tip-off, tracked down the kidnappers and arrested them in a forest in the state. During the operation, the troops also recovered the ransom that had been paid to the kidnappers.

The arrested kidnappers have been taken into custody and are being investigated by the authorities. The family member who was taken hostage has been rescued and reunited with their loved ones.

This is a significant development in the fight against kidnapping in Nigeria, and it is a testament to the bravery and effectiveness of the Nigerian Army in combating this crime.